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Bentley / Rolls Royce Il y a 29 produits.

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  • In 1922 Rolls-Royce introduced their new 20hp model, known as the Twenty, the first in a family of what are now called the “Small Horsepower” cars. The plan was to offer a more manageable, less expensive model than the mighty 7-litre Silver Ghost, one intended for the owner-driver rather than for the chauffeur, yet with all the quality and refinement...

    38,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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    Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
  • 35,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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    Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
  • 49,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • 125,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • This book covers the final years of Bentley and Rolls-Royce as an exclusive British automaker to the turbulent final period of splitting up and foreign ownership. ...

    40,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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    Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander

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