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Librairie passion Automobile, 83 rue de Rennes, 75006 Paris (Métro, stations Rennes ou Saint-Sulpice) 01 45 48 15 14
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A complete history of 110 years of Alfa Romeo: the cars, the people, the racing, and the heritage.
Miniature Diecast métal injecté 1:18e
Miniature Diecast métal injecté 1:18e
"Nous sommes tous des pilotes" . Enzo Ferrari a consacré toute sa vie à l'automobile par amour immodéré de la victoire ; un amour encore plus fort de la belle ouvrage et du travail bien fait dans les moindres détails, ... Livre en anglais
The birth and early successes of Ferrari, seen from the inside, with the testimony of a technician/engineer, active for forty years in the Prancing Horse factory, from 1947 to 1987. ...
Alfa Romeo originally developed the Giulietta Sprint Speciale specifically for motorsport in the Grand Tourisme class. The fact that the Giulietta Sprint Speciale ultimately did not achieve the expected success in racing likely contributed to its significant importance ...
Era il 1° dicembre del 1914 quando Alfieri Maserati comunicò alla Camera del Commercio e dell'Industria di Bologna l'apertura in Via De' Pepoli di un'officina dedita alla riparazione di automobili. ...
Ce livre de référence constitue un inventaire exhaustif de tous les modèles ayant été certifiés par Ferrari depuis sa création en 47, des plus iconiques comme la 250 GTO, la Dino 246 GT, la 330 P4, la F40 ou la Ferrari Enzo, aux plus méconnus comme la Sigma encore la Ferrarina. Pour la première fois, la totalité de la production des usines Ferrari est...
The Diablo has been a fundamental car in the history of Lamborghini. Not only has it majestically picked up the unparalleled and iconic heritage of the Countach: it has also been a lone warrior during the most arduous times ever experienced by the brand before the Audi takeover. ...
La Lancia ha alternato periodi in cui non ha svolto alcuna attività sportiva ad altri in cui questa è stata (quasi) frenetica. Con Vincenzo Lancia, per sua stessa volontà, la Casa non è mai scesa in gara. ...