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24H du Mans Il y a 135 produits.

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    49,00 € Disponible

    49,00 € Disponible
  • Cette éphéméride s'effeuille jour après jour. Détachez les fiches et conservez-les précieusement. Depuis plus d'un siècle, l'épreuve sarthoise participe avec éclat à la légende du sport automobile. Grâce à cette éphéméride racontant en textes et en images exclusifs la formidable épopée des 24 Heures du Mans, vivez - et vibrez ! - toute l'année au rythme...

    12,90 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • With over 430 images – many of them in a strikingly large format – this book is based on years of research into the work of the most recognised De Tomaso specialists. It includes examples from their unique private collections taken from the factory archives, including contracts, correspondence, photographs, and ...

    350,00 € Disponible
  • Prodrive: 40 Years of Success is a celebration of Prodrive’s remarkable achievements over four decades of adrenalin-fuelled motorsport action, featuring input from those who have been a part of the story. ...

    52,00 € Disponible
  • Derek Warwick has been a popular and highly respected figure in motor racing for nearly 50 years, known for his tough and determined personality as well as his talent and bravery behind the wheel. ...

    79,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • The Lancias that brought the glorious Italian marque back to the world’s racetracks and won the World Championship for Marques title in 1980-1981. ...

    50,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • By 1968, when we step into Porsche's racing history, the marque was well established in international competition, having won nearly every race and championship title at the time except Le Mans. ...

    125,00 € Disponible
  • The Group C and IMSA GTP era of sports car racing was truly a golden age, and few teams reached the level of success and admiration as Tom Walkinshaw Racing, whose factory Jaguar programs took on the very best on both sides of the Atlantic. ...

    164,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • Les modèles emblématiques qui ont porté Porsche à un savoir-faire d'excellence. " Je ne pouvais pas trouver la voiture de sport de mes rêves, alors je l'ai construite moi-même. " Voilà ce qu'affirma Ferdinand Porsche lorsqu'il dévoila, en 1948, son premier roadster 356 à moteur arrière. ...

    45,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • This book celebrates the extraordinary sporting legacy behind the name Alfa Romeo, and is a unique record of every type of Alfa Romeo associated ...

    105,00 € Disponible
  • The third volume in a definitive history of Porsche's racing cars, bringing the story right up-to-date. Illustrated throughout with contemporary photography ...

    89,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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    Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander

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