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Ouvrages généraux Il y a 95 produits.

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  • 30,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • Des premiers tricycles De Dion aux 750 Honda, des MV Agusta championnes du Monde aux Yamaha M1 de moto GP d?aujourd?hui ou des premières Vespa de 1946 aux Piaggio MP3 nés en 2006, l'histoire de la moto est essentiellement connue par ses modèles les plus célèbres, les plus vendus ou les plus titrés.

    46,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • Si aujourd'hui le nombre de constructeurs de motocyclettes se compte sur les doigts des deux mains, ils étaient cent fois plus nombreux il y a près d'un siècle. Cette prolifération s'explique par l'engouement pour le moteur à combustion interne au début du XXe siècle et aussi celui de la bicyclette à la même époque.

    29,50 € Disponible
  • Un libro sul periodo d'oro dello scooter. Nella prima parte vengono presi in esame gli anni '10 e '20, periodo in cui questo mezzo era poco più che un monopattino a motore e si poneva come alternativa alla bicicletta con il propulsore applicato. La seconda parte è invece dedicato allo scooter negli anni '30 e '40, epoca in ...

    42,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • The leather motorcycle jacket is more than a coat; it's a mentality. Beginning in the early twentieth century, airplanes, automobiles, and motorcycles redefined freedom, idealized speed, and captured the hearts of men and women alike. ...

    80,00 € Disponible
  • 49,90 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • The motorcycle helmet has encountered much resistance from bikers who cherish the sense of freedom they get when riding without one. At the same time, the design revolutions it has undergone since its introduction in the 1930s have made it as much a part of the motorcycle culture as the leather jacket. ...

    75,00 € Disponible
  • Motorcycle jackets have become a symbol of freedom for young people around the world. Since World War II, these jackets have come to embody their sense of design, belonging, and rebellion. Now Rin Tanaka continues his study of this fashion, delving deeply into its development. Following the critical acclaim of his first book, Motorcycle Jackets: A Century...

    75,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • A lavishly illustrated and definitive look at the design evolution of the racing motorcycle. The dynamic between competition and design has always fueled the evolution of racing motorcycles and inspired astonishing feats of design and engineering. ...

    49,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • While the history of European competition motorcycles has been largely dominated by Italian, British, and German marques, other builders around the continent have also played significant roles from the turn of the century to present. Arranged by nation, this book examines more than two dozen important marques, including Bultaco, CZ, Elf, Husqvarna, KTM,...

    26,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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