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Design, Designers & Carrossiers

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Design, Designers & Carrossiers Il y a 93 produits.

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  • The Atlas of Car Design is a global survey of the world’s greatest car designs, featuring more than 650 of the most revered (and occasionally reviled) models, from more than 190 manufacturers and more than 30 countries. ...

    125,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • Giugiaro is one of the most prestigious names in the history of automotive design, synonymous with iconic cars such as the Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GT and Alfetta, the Volkswagen Golf, the Audi 80, the Fiat Panda, Uno and Punto, the Lancia Delta, Thema and Prisma and the Maserati Bora, Ghibli and Merak. ...

    55,00 € Disponible
  • This book shows the evolution of Joseph Figoni’s creative process, illustrated through his pen and pencil drawings and designs. He also used clay models and true-scale wire mock-ups mounted on the chassis, but only his drawings and a small wooden model survived.

    245,00 € Disponible
  • Between the 1930s and the 1980s he designed more than twelve hundred cars ...

    58,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • Des années 1960, sous la direction de Paul Bouvot, à la vision future de l'équipe dirigée aujourd'hui par Matthias Hossann, plus de 60 années de style et de design Peugeot sont détaillées par le biais des concept-cars et des prototypes d'études. ...

    95,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • In 1963, Professor Ferdinand Alexander Porsche created the 911, one of the most important design objects in contemporary history. With his vision of taking the principles and myth of Porsche beyond the limits of the automobile, he founded the exclusive lifestyle brand Porsche Design in 1972.

    148,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • A companion book to Patrick Kelley’s earlier IMAGINE!, which featured the drawings of a wide range of concept cars from the 1930s onwards, IMAGINE too! showcases a new crop of images, and artists, along with some familiar favorites. ...

    149,00 € Disponible
  • In questo lavoro l'autore, Massimo Grandi,  non vuole ricostruire le storie complesse e affascinanti della Ferrari 166 MM Barchetta e della Porsche 356 N1 Roadster. ...

    32,00 € Disponible
  • Catalogue bilingue Exposition du 11/2022 au 09/2024 Pinakotech de Munich

    32,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • Andy Saunders is a joyfully singular figure in the world of automotive design. The holder of three Guinness Book of Records titles, Saunders brings his unique vision to every project he takes on, whether it’s the restoration of a classic car or the unveiling of a new custom design.

    110,00 € Disponible
  • Dan Abramson a travaillé comme designer automobile pour Citroën pendant 21 ans. Il a entre autres travaillé sur la Citroën XM, la Citroën Xantia et la Citroën C6, mais aussi sur d’innombrables projets qui n’ont jamais dépassé la planche à dessin.

    22,95 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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  • A candid and comprehensive overview of the work of a modern design master.

    119,00 € Disponible

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