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Librairie passion Automobile, 83 rue de Rennes, 75006 Paris (Métro, stations Rennes ou Saint-Sulpice) 01 45 48 15 14
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Nothing is new under the sun and classic cars books come and go. But here, instead of a heavy, large, glossy book of classic car images and details destined to stay on a shelf, is something new. ...
Das Woodstock für Rennwagen - Die Porsche Rennsport Reunion
Alfa Romeo SVZ Coda Tronca presents an unforgettable story of an abandoned yet influential vehicle’s rediscovery and restoration. Hidden away in a barn for the better part of five decades, a single Alfa Romeo SVZ Coda Tronca ...
«Design writers Thijs Demeulemeester and Bert Voet's book Carchitecture explores the historical parallels between trends in architectural styles and car design.» - Financial Times A book like a road trip along iconic American homes and the unique cars that perfectly match them. ...
Nicht alle Autos, in denen wir früher durch die Gegend kutschiert wurden,...
Cet ouvrage est LA référence dans le domaine de la cotation des voitures anciennes et de collection. ...
Le Tour de France automobile est la plus ancienne épreuve existante. Sa nouvelle formule, disputée avec des « classiques », en est à sa 32e édition. Parmi lesdites classiques, qui doivent avoir participé entre 1951 et 1973, force Ferrari et Porsche ont cotoyé une Bugatti, ...
En mettant la lumière sur douze voitures parmi les plus légendaires de la collection Movie Cars Central, ce livre permet à chacun de nous de se mettre au volant de ces stars sur quatre roues. ...
Italy is the homeland of "La Bella Macchina" and the cradle of automotive culture. This book celebrates the most iconic cars and visionary designers from the peninsula. ...
The Austin J40 pedal car is a miniature motoring marvel. The level of interest over the years in these diminutive Austins is way beyond anything that the three-man design and development team could ever have imagined when they hand-built the prototype of Austin Chairman Leonard Lord’s ‘little idea’ in 1946. ...
René Staud, the grand master of automobile photography, has published a new illustrated book. In his coffee-table book Black Beauties, the automotive photographer devotes himself entirely to the color black. In this extraordinarily book, Staud takes car lovers on a journey through time and presents the top models of the world's greatest sports car brands....