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Librairie passion Automobile, 83 rue de Rennes, 75006 Paris (Métro, stations Rennes ou Saint-Sulpice) 01 45 48 15 14
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Le 11 novembre 1924, l'as de la Grande Guerre, Georges-Félix Madon, se tue aux commandes de son avion personnel, à Bizerte. Victime d'une panne moteur, il s'écrase sur le toit d'un immeuble après avoir réussi à éviter la foule venue rendre hommage à son camarade de guerre, Roland Garros. Ses ailes glorieuses se referment sur lui. ...
By the autumn of 1916, advances in Britain’s air defence capability had all but ended the Zeppelin menace, which had haunted the nation for almost two years. However, an emerging complacency regarding the aerial threat was immediately shattered by the introduction in 1917 of the Grosskampfflugzeug, better known as the Gotha bomber. ...
Le Mirage IV, mis en oeuvre par les Forces Aériennes Stratégiques à partir de 1964. fut le premier vecteur de la force de frappes nucléaire française. En qualité de maître d'ouvrage, l'Etat confia la définition le développement de cet avion biplace, biréacteur, à la Générale Aéronautique Marcel Dassault, ...
Initiée au milieu des années 90, la patrouille de voltiges de Jacques Bothelin est devenue Breitling Jet Team à partir de 2003. Avec des tournées dans le monde entier de l'Asie aux USA sans oublier l'Europe, les sept jets L-39 de cette patrouille civile, ont marqué les esprits. ...
If it can be said that adversity generates creativity, then the story of the Heinkel He 162 jet fighter is testimony to such a precept. From the summer of 1944, the adversity facing the leadership of the Third Reich was formidable. ...
During World War Two, the USAAF swiftly developed and deployed airborne signals intelligence (SIGINT) aircraft, pioneering advanced radar technologies and operational tactics amidst wartime challenges. ...
This is an account of a fascinating but largely unknown aspect of post World War 2 US military aviation history, the conversion and use of former frontline aircraft to serve as remotely piloted drones. This story begins as far back as the 1920s, gains momentum during World War 2 and peaks with the postwar glut of airframes during the Cold War era. ...
Aircraft Anatomy: A technical guide to military aircraft from World War II to the modern day (Encyclopedias)
Illustrated with accurate artworks of military aircraft and their markings, Modern Chinese Military Aircraft is a detailed guide to all the aircraft types deployed by the People’s Republic of China from 1990 to the present.
Organized by nationality, Military Drones offers a compact guide to the main unmanned aerial vehicles being flown in combat zones today.