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Librairie passion Automobile, 83 rue de Rennes, 75006 Paris (Métro, stations Rennes ou Saint-Sulpice) 01 45 48 15 14
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Histoire du chemin de fer en France qui revient en détail sur les grandes étapes de sa mutation de la vapeur à l'électrique.
Cet ouvrage s'articule autour des étapes importantes qui ont marqué le développement des voyages et des transports. ...
In their book ‘Gresley’s Silver Link’ the authors analyzed the evolution of the A4s Gresley’s and their service up to Gresley’s death in 1941. This book takes this compelling story from the early years of the war up to their demise in the 1960s...
In the early 1930s the tramcar in Blackpool was at a crossroads; the system needed investment in both new track and new trams whilst there was a serious threat that the 'town' routes - as elsewhere in Britain as operators faced the same challenges - might have been converted to bus operation. The appointment of Walter Luff as the new general manager was, ...
Inédit,ce livre raconte la longue et riche histoire du dépôt de La Chapelle, ouvert àla moitié du XIXe siècle par la Compagnie du chemin de fer du Nord, au pied dela butte Montmartre, et qui ferma ses portes plus d'un siècle et demi plus tard.
Following the end of the steam locomotive in normal service, the diesel has become the favourite of many railway enthusiasts. To show something of the diesel types and operations on various international railway systems, Peter J. Green has selected some of his best railway photographs from his travels to six of the seven continents of the world. ...
Cet ouvrage inédit, destiné aux spécialistes comme au grand public, raconte l'histoire d'une des gares parisiennes les plus prisées du public : la gare de Lyon, pour laquelle tout a commencé en 1850 avec la construction d'un modeste embarcadère. Depuis les projets initiaux jusqu'à aujourd'hui, ...
The quest for greater speed on the rails is almost as old as the railroad itself. In the 19th and in the first half of the 20th centuries, notable things were being done under the slogan "Speed is the key: ...
This book covers the design, construction, operation and performance of Sir William Stanier's masterpiece, the Princess Coronation pacific locomotives, better known as the Duchesses'. Included are pen portraits of the LMS engineers, ...
Ensemble de 24 cartes postales sur les métros européens
L'InterCity-Express est la fierté de la Deutsche Bahn allemande. L'histoire de son succès a commencé dès 1985 avec les premiers essais de l'ICE-Experimental. A partir de ce véhicule, ...