Revues et ouvrages techniques

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Revues et ouvrages techniques Il y a 6 produits.

  • "Le guide pratique de la mécanique" pour les voitures anciennes est l'outil indispensable pour tout propriétaire ou futur collectionneur. ...

    19,95 € Disponible
  • Prés de 5 000 photos, plus de 200 techniques mises en oeuvre, des astuces à foison... Cette quatrième édition de la Bible du restaurateur intégra de nouvelles techniques pour faciliter vos propres rénovations, s'ajoutant aux centaines de fiches pratiques déjà existantes, pour certaines remises à jour. Grâce à elle, vous pourrez appliquer les méthodologies...

    55,00 € Disponible
  • This book is designed to give guidance on the original, ex-factory specifications of the first-generation Range Rovers built between 1970 and 1996. ...

    34,00 € Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
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    Plus en stock - Nous contacter pour le commander
  • The fabulous, modern, big Jaguars still attract admiration, but you need to know how to buy the best. This highly-illustrated book gives all the practical advice you could wish for when considering a purchase. What to look for, what to avoid, and whether the car is likely to suit your needs, plus relative values and the best places to buy.

    20,00 € Disponible
  • Never-before published information details the nuances of tackling this daunting task! From dropping the engine, to reconditioning and blueprinting, through final reinstallation and break-in, Dempsey guides you step-by-step through the pitfalls often experienced by even the best mechanics. ...

    42,00 € Disponible
  • A warts and all introduction to owning, driving and maintaining a Mercedes-Benz 280-560SL or SLC, and a step-by-step guide to evaluating one for purchase. This book includes 100 photos of what to look for and what to avoid, plus a realistic assessment of running and restoration costs, as well as market values. This includes servicing and spare parts...

    22,00 € Disponible

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